There are many different circumstances where you might want to start a blog. It was Thursday night, and you've decided his passion for micro-brew beer to be shared with the world, have a knack for review French disco-pop, you were chosen to start a wave of your company's new blog. Whatever the case May be, I think I can easily say that there needs to be a reasonable amount of passion behind what you write. Ok, now that we got that out of the way, let's focus on the fine print of the little details that will tell you quite frankly, are not visible from established blogs, you already follow the
.The fact is that every blog has a beginning. Unless you have celebrity status, starting blog will not be easy. Starting the blog will do, actually who am I kidding, it will be a difficult task for some time. Granted, the more you will continue to establish your own blog and making it respected the source material in their area of expertise, "easier" to get. But let's not get ahead ourselves, there is nothing easy about starting a blog from scratch. You will encounter some common problems in the beginning that tend to weed out the weekenders from committed and passionate bloggers. To lend a helping hand, here are my top five:
1 What to write about?
This may sound like a stupid question, but seriously, you write about? I find a lot of people run into this problem because they are not specific enough about the subject. So, you want to write about Ferrari? Great. But even that can be narrowed down even more. Maybe you write about different types of fabric seats and body kits that Ferrari owners indulge in. Or suppose you want to write about sewing process that goes into the steering wheel Ferrari Enzo.
To be specific! You do not have to be experts in their field, in itself, but that the ultimate goal of writing a blog right? The thing is, select a specific area that you are passionate about and write about it. This will make your job easier in the beginning, instead of feeling like you have to write on a broad topic.
2 Nobody is reading my blog!
Of course they do! You just started the stupid thing. Really, if you have a celebrity following, but expect a grass-roots following. Bottom line: the content will speak for themselves. That is why it is so important to share valuable information about a topic that is not found, or at least hard to find anywhere else (this goes straight back to a specific topic ).
As you write, pay attention to the marking of the article correctly, and using the right category from the get go. I use SEOQuake GoogleTrends and to maximize the labeling effort.
3 Where are my subscribers?
It is a common question. You're getting a decent flow of traffic, and your two posts a week is proving to be engaged and that your readers coming back for more. Much of this problem can easily be derived from the fact that your "Subscribe Now" box is hard to find, not working properly, or simply does not exist. One of the best way to subscribers come on board when they StumbleUpon his blog, to find out via Delicious, or any other social media avenues. Probably, they will be scanned into your blog, to discern whether or not it meets their intellectual needs, and then move on. If it works, we are labels or subscribe. But you must be giving them the opportunity to subscribe on every page. Moreover, you may add an incentive to subscribe, but only if you can give an accurate follow-through;. Empty promises are best kept to past relationships
4 Why are viewers plateau / decline?
This is a difficult question, because it could be several reasons. Are you just promoting your blog on Facebook and the promotion ended? Did you do a guest post on another blog more than a week?
If you have not done any promotion outside of blogging and promotion on Facebook and Twitter, then it could just be a slow period. At the end of the day, it will do you no good to worry about slow periods (# visitors, # subscriber, # comment). These things tend to happen with blogovima.Važnija thing is that you in writing in accordance with your editorial calendar (which do not have one yet?) I keep producing content.
5 I've run out of ideas!
Nonsense! This is probably due to some kind of creative block, and this is also where you'll get a chance to spice up your blog a bit! Initially, we tend to go for the obvious questions, articles that are easy to write about sooner or later, you realize that you have the ability and knowledge to write about topics you never knew existed when you first started to blog.
Let me be clear about this: Be adventurous! Exhibiting its dynamic creativity on to say much more about your ability as a writer and an expert in their field but will be the same article is regurgitated 10 different ways. Dig deep!
Although there is no paved road to success in the blogosphere, there are similarities between bloggers that we can learn to share and help each other out. This is a community, not one man show, so sharing tips and tricks along the way will help you become more educated as well as improving the quality of content overall. There are just some of the difficulties you experience May.
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